"Mannish Boy" 2025SS Runway Show




I am a man.

Once I say it, I'll do it.

By any means necessary using this body

What's wrong about talking about your dreams?

I'm gonna live my life like a man.






In a world dominated by small electronic devices, our interactions with society and others have become a web of mutual surveillance, often trampling upon the moral boundaries of strangers without even realizing it and one single mistake can ruin a life.

Even in our 5-meter radius personal space, we tend to feel frightened and bare our fangs.

It feels as though the youth of today while being manipulated by an unseen force, are hypersensitive to their own errors and missteps.

In such a world, it might seem wiser to remain silent,to avoid taking any stand or action that might upend one’s life.

Yet, it has always been the youth who challenge society, questioning what is right and wrong precisely because their sense of morality is still in flux, and it is their very inexperiencethat allows them to confront the world built by those before them.

And perhaps it is the duty of the older generation to embrace this youthful energy, to love the inexperienced for who they are, and to teach them what it means to be a man.


"Mannish Boy," is a song released by American musician Muddy Waters in 1955.

It is not only remarkablefor its musical brilliance but also for the recurring phrase "I am a man," which resonates powerfully throughout the lyrics.

This line, which seems to convey a sense of self-affirmation, transcends time, becoming an anthem that teaches the young peoplewho obediently conform to modern society without dissent, what it means to be a man.






This collection features a trompe-l'oeil effect created by high-resolution scans of leather rider jacketsand hippie denim, as well as denim items shaped with wires to create deliberate distortions and waves, revealing the charming imperfections characteristic of youth.

The tailored jackets are adornewith butterflies inspired by Kamiya’s family crest, reflecting a sense of carrying the legacy of one's ancestors on their back while embracing the inherent "responsibility of being a man," inspiring oneself to live and persevere in society.



The designer Koji Kamiya often visits local shops, where he engages with young fans of the brand, offering advice on their outfits, hairstyles, and even about love.

Even in the age of social media, Kamiya feels the necessity of teaching the essence of “being a man” through direct, personal interactions, experiencing and sharing mutual passion firsthand.

The collection delves into KAMIYA’s philosophy of masculinity and style, crafted to offer direction to today’s disoriented youth.
















Check out the full look from here.




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